Events and traditions in Isernia and beyond

Isernia Procession of Christ on the Cross [Good Friday]
Rocchetta al Volturno, hamlet of Castelnuovo -20 km Gl’ Cierv [the last Sunday of Carnival]
Pesche – 4 km I presepi nel presepe (Nativity Scenes) [1-6th January]
Bagnoli del Trigno – 30 km The carnival of the months [10th February]
Scapoli – 21 km Ravioli Tasting [18th March]
Montaquila – 22 km Frittata Festival [30th April and 1st May]
Isernia Il cavallo devoto [13 giugno]
Venafro – 23 km Festival of Saints Nicandro, Marciano and Daria [16-18th June]
Isernia Onion Fair [28th and 29th June]
Vastogirardi – 32 km Il volo dell’Angelo [1st and 2nd July]
Roccamandolfi – 24 km Rocka in Musica [5-7th July]
Rocchetta al Volturno – 20 km Rocchetta Piano Contest [11-13th July]
Forlì del Sannio – 15 km Truffle Festival [21-22th July]
Miranda – 7 km Truffle Tasting [25-27th July]
Pescolanciano – 17 km La sfilata dei covoni [26 luglio]
Scapoli – 21 km Exhibition, market and International Zampogna Festival [26-27th July]
Castel San Vincenzo – 23 km Saint Stefano Market [29 luglio]
Frosolone – 31 km Parade of floats [1st August]
Capracotta – 40 km La pezzata [3 August]
Monteroduni – 17 km In the summer Monteroduni holds various folk and culinary festivals and in the first week of August a well-known musical event takes place here – The Eddie Lang Jazz Festival [3-10 August]
Agnone, Staffoli – 35 km Corsalonga [3-17 August]
Pietrabbondante – 27 km Samnite Temple-Theatre theatrical season [6-10th August]
Fornelli – 11 km Giornate al Borgo [8-9th August]
Frosolone – 31 km National Knife and Scissor Exhibition and Market [8-10th August]
San Pietro Avellana – 45 km Truffle Festival [9-10th August]
Pescopennataro – 52 km Simposio di scultura live [10-18th August]
Carpinone – 9 km International Folk Festival [12th August]
Filignano – 26 km International Mario Lanza Festival [12-14th August]
Bagnoli del Trigno – 30 km Palio of Santa Caterina [16 August]
Carovilli – 23 km La tresca [20, 21 e 22 August]
Isernia Italian Singer-song writer [1-6th September]
Castelpetroso – 14 km Festival of the Madonna Addolorata [21-28 September]
Macchia d’Isernia – 8 km Exhibition and market of Pentro Wine [9-10th October]
Agnone – 40 km La Ndocciata [8th and 24th December]